Maryam Fazel
Maryam Fazel is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Washington, with adjunct appointments in the departments of Computer Science and Engineering, Mathematics, and Statistics. Maryam received her MS and PhD from Stanford University, her BS from Sharif University of Technology in Iran, and was a postdoctoral scholar at Caltech before joining UW. Her current research interests are in mathematical optimization and applications in machine learning and control. She is a recipient of the NSF Career Award, UWEE Outstanding Teaching Award, UAI conference Best Student Paper Award (with her student), and coauthored a paper selected as a Fast-Breaking paper by Science Watch (2011). She co-leads the NSF Algorithmic Foundations for Data Science Institute (ADSI) at UW, and is an associate editor of SIAM journal on Optimization and SIAM journal on Mathematics of Data Science.